At Camp my teacher told me what group I was in. I was in the Carerz with
some of my friends. On the first day of camp the Carerz were doing the hangi prep for our dinner.It wasn't fun. After the hangi prep we went down to do kayaking with Mr Burt.. It was my first time, it was so fun. After that me and my friends went for a swim. Then we got out and went to get changed for our next activity. But I didn’t changed because our leader was telling us to hurry up, so I just stayed in my wet clothes.
Day 2
The next day we had breakfast and it was Cereal. I was serving the people it was fun. Then I got changed and went to the marquee. We had a lot of fun doing our activities.The Rock Up people came and put up lots of activities for us to have fun and had a blast. The best thing I liked was the rock climbing. The dunker was scary. When we finished the Rock Up people announced the winner for the treasure box. It had lots of lollies and drinks. All of the activities we did was the Dunker, Shuffle board, Alligator alley, Rock climbing and Archery.When we finished all of our activities we went to go and have lunch. When our group was all finish eating we went to go and practice our dance on the field for Tuesday night. I think we are going to shine on the stage.
When we finished we had to show it on the stage in the hall. When all of our groups were ready we went to go and sit in the hall. When Mrs lagitupu called our name up I was so nervous cause I was in the front and every body was looking at us when we have done our dance I ran off the stage.When I was sitting down I was hoping that the Carers were going to win. But we didn't the winning team was Respectablez. They were so happy.
Day 3
In the morning me and friend woke up early. My friend said that she was still tired and I was tired too. When Mrs Nua told us to come to the marquee she told us to get our togs because we were going to Swimarama I was so excited cause it was so hot. When we were waiting for our bus me and my friends were talking about where we were going to sit. Our bus came and me and my friends were waiting for all the people to get on, when my friend hoped on it was really packed so I have to go on the other bus.So I went to the back and sat with my other friends.When I was sitting next to the window.When we got there we have to wait for the other bus to come, when it came we all stared walking to the front of the pools me and my friend got changed and went to go and find a space to sit down. Then we were watching the people swimming. After that we all went for a swim it was FUN and COOL.
Camp T.C was so awesome and the thing I liked about it is I have never camped at school before. I think it was the best camp out of my other schools camps.