Friday, December 9, 2011
Prize giving
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Athletics day
When I got to school I was waiting outside the gate for Aneisha. I saw Tina, hossanah, and tyla so I went to go and wait with them intill Aneisha came to school but when the bell rang she still wasn’t here so I went to go and get ready. When I went to class to get my age nd colour on my hand I didn’t want to run or do high jumps because I was scared that I might come last in everything.
The first activity I did was the Javelin I fort that it was going to be hard but then when it came up to my turn I wanted to turn back and go at the back of the line so I wont have a turn but Mr Barks said I have to try my best so I gave it a try and throw the spare and it didn’t go that far.
All the activity's we done was so cool but the one I didn't want is to do was the relays and high jump because I knew I would came last in my race but then I tired my best and I was so proud of myself because my older brother and his friends was supporting me in the high jumps. When I ran up-too the high jump I didn’t want to jump so I just touch it and ran to the back of the line.
I was so happy when the whole thing was over. I tired my best in everything and my parents was proud of me.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Manaiakalani Film Festival.
When the bell rang for morning tea I was so happy because I couldn’t wait for the morning tea bell to end. YEAH!! finally it rings I was jumping up and down just to go and watch the movies from all the different school. When we got to Sylvia park I ran quickly and jumped off the bus and went straight to my teacher and waited for instructions, when the other bus came we all walked together.
When I walked into the theater I wanted to sit on the seats at the very back but it was taken by people so I went to sit in the middle of Casey and Aneisha.
The film I enjoyed the most was the rugby girls from Tamaki College it was a cool film.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
A hot sunny day at Waiwera
The first one I tried out was the black hole. It was so scary that I was screaming because you couldn’t see anything intill you got to the bottom, the other one was the twister and my partner was this random boy.We both went at the same time and when I got to the bottom my singlet came off but lucky I had another singlet underneath,my mum and dad was laughing because my partner shirt came of to. After when I was finish on the slides I went to the movie pools and watched Alice in the wonder land.
In the movie pool it was getting so hot that I ran to the the cold pool and relax there with my sister and my aunties boy friend. When I was relaxing my brother jump in and all the water came on top of me.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Our solar system
We are studying about space this year and I can’t wait because I hope I can learn more about it.
As I was watching the video carefully about our Solar system I couldn’t believe how small Pluto was compared to the other planets around the world. When the other planets were showing I thought earth would be bigger than the sun. But now I know that earth is bigger.
When the video was showing all the planets the sun was so humungous that it was like a big ball. Some people think that Pluto isn’t a planet, but it is. Its called a dwalf planet.
Our earth is the third planet from the sun in the solar system, between Venus and Mars at an average distance of 900 million miles. I think our earth is a clean planet to live on because around the world many people try to keep it clean.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Holiday highlights
Going movies
Hanging out with friends
Watching the rugby world cup games
sleeping over
parade in town
On my fantastic holiday I was sleeping over my cousin house for a week. Her parents were out west for a family outing so basicly we had the house for a week. It was super fun because we had our friends over and watch a scary movie, we had lots of lollies, drinks and popcorn. After the movie we walked down to my mum house and told her we were going town to meet up with some of my old friends from Glen Taylor school.
When we were on the train this drunk man was swearing out this man for no reason, me and my cousin went to the back because we were scared that he might and come and swear at us finally the train man told him to get of when it stops in panmure.
When we got into town we went and played some bowling and went shopping it was fun after when we finish our fun we went back home late and watch another scary movie and went bed at 4:30 and we didn”t wake up intill 12 in the morning.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
school holidays
At the batch there’s a water slide, swing, sleep out, tree house and a pool. The last time I have been there was last Christmas, so I cant wait because I want to spend more time with my best poppa and have lots of fun before school holidays are over. Up north I'm gonna play outside and go with my poppa to the beach and get some fish because he likes fishing.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
My term 23 high lights
Tamaki Teach
Walking down to teach.
year 8/7
School holidays
going out
hanging with friends
Rugby boys 7
My highlight was walking down to Tamaki Teach and seeing the older kids begin a roll model. We got split up and the first class I done was Wood work it was not that fun. What we had to do was to make some any thing with wood, the thing I made was a small chair but I didn't get to finish it of. but is was kind of fun begin with our wood work teacher Mr.Grundy.
My second highlight is that I cant wait in-til the school holidays comes up because I will get more sleep and have break fast in bed. The thing that i am really waiting for is I am going out west to celebrate my cousin 21 birthday it going to be fun. After the birthday we are going up north to our beach house, at our family beach house we have a swing water slide tree house and a sleep out.
AFL is a really fun sport to play because their is lots of fun lesson that the couch c an teach you. out of all the lesson that Lucy and Michale taught us was sort of like net ball and basket ball. What you had to do was to face your mate that was in another team and a teacher had to through up the ball and hit it to the other side. It was so fun because it was easy.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
opening for the RUGBY WORLD CUP..
When I was sitting on the couch I was watching the morning News, about the opening ceremony.
I waited and waited for my brothers and sister to come home,and finally they came home I jumped with excitement telling them that we were going to the opening ceremony.
We were getting ready to walk down to the train station but we stop at my Nan's to say a prayer before we leave. When we got to the train station it was so packed that we couldn't get on the train or a bus. So me and my family waited for 40 minutes to go down town.
When we were on the bus there were so many people in red and white supporting Tonga. Some other people jumped on the bus and were wearing black and white to support the All blacks. It was just so packed that it was just out of control.
When we got there so many people were just standing around because they couldn’t move from where they were. We stayed where we were because we wanted to watch the opening for the Rugby world cup. When people were starting to move we moved along with them to get out of the way. When I was waiting to go toilet my parents forgot about me so I was lost in the crowd. Finally I saw one of my brother’s friends in the crowd so I stayed with him and his friends the whole night.
When it was time to go I waited at the bus with my brother friend name Vinnie. When we got to Glenn Innes he walked me home.
The best thing I like about the opening ceremony was of random people from countries overseas taking photos of me and my little brother.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Baby is cute as a puppy.
The Baby is light as a small toy.
The Monkey is cute like a born baby.
The Monkey is hairy like a man’s legs.
The Monkey is Chicky like a little child.
The Car is fast as a cheater.
The Car is beautiful like a sun flower.
The Car is shinny like the sun.
As brave as super man saving the world.
As brave as a tough man doing boxing.
As brave as going to spookers.
As smooth like butter.
As soft like a feather.
As happy like a child's birthday.
As loud like a baby crying.
As warm as a bath.
As large like the sky tower.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Cross country
When the second bell rang I went to class. My teacher showed us where to go. It was a long track until we get back to school. When the other classes were outside waiting, we got ready and walked down to the courts. We went into our lines and waited for Ms Va'afusuaga to tell us what to do. When she was talking to us about the cross country, she told all of us to do our best.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Sonny bill williams
Friday, August 12, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Design 1
You need to come up with at least 2 different possible sign designs and complete a PMI for each. This should include some feedback from an adult or a peer around the school who would represent the stakeholders.
Sign 1 (insert image of screenshot or photo of your sign)
Plus:block writing | Minus:colour | Interesting:picture |
Friday, July 15, 2011
Brief Development:
Conceptual Statement:
(What is the concept or idea behind your design brief? e.g “To produce a sign with a message that helps eliminate the issue of...”)
To produce a sign with a message that helps eliminate the issue of rubbish.
(The measurable must haves ie. the things that are important to designing an effective sign e.g. sign must be easy to read etc...)
1. colour
2. message has to stand out
3. put in the right place
4. sign has to stand out
(Musts that are beyond my control e.g. Must be completed by the end of the term)
1. due at end of week 7
2. sign has to have a message to elimate a problem in the school
3. has to be a sign
(things I need to make the sign)
* glue
* pencils
* paper
* colour
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Planning Log
Keep a record of both what you intend to do and what you did over the course of the next 3 weeks as we work through the Technology Process.
Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | |
What I plan to do | brainstorm | survey | planning log |
Materials I will need | scarp book | pepole students | planning log |
People/Sources I need to consult for more information. | colour, pencil, rulers, glue. | materiel | friends me and teacher |
What did you find difficult and why? | making the sign | I find Ideas | planning log |
What I will do next as a result of any difficulties. | pick up on my task that I was given | planning log |
The Stakeholders are the people who have an effect on the production of your product
The Primary Stakeholder is your client ie. the person or community of people that your sign is going to be created for. eg. ….
Wider Community Stakeholders: | Key Stakeholders: | Primary Stakeholder: |
parents Teachers | kids at school | me |
ATTRIBUTES: These describe the physical (what it is like) and functional (what it will do) characteristics of a product. These characteristics are key or essential for the successful function of a product and should be re- evaluated at each stage of the design process.
With your sign in mind, complete the following attributes table:
Attribute | Method of Measurement | Specification |
eg. Eye catching | sign will appeal (be noticed) by stakeholders | Sign must be clear, stand out and be creative |
Size | A medium sign | Must be neat to read |
Colour | Green because it stands out and it might catch there eyes | So the colour can stand out |
Create awareness (e.g. clear message) | No littering | |
Durable/ Weather resistant | cave it | |
Ideal location (in the right area) |
My report
When the interview with my teacher finished my mum didn’t want to tell me about my report so she went to go to my sisters class. My sister was also nervous about her report and interview.
After when all our interviews were finished my sister stayed at school and me and my mum went back home. I asked if I could look at my report but she wouldn't let me, so she put it away for my dad. When my dad came back from work my mum showed him the report. My dad looked kind of disappointed about my report because I didn’t do well.
My goal next term is to work on my writing and reading during the holidays so I can have a higher grade when I come back to school.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Designing a sign
Your task is to design a sign that will clearly assist in eliminating a problem within our school.
- Make sure you are clear what the task is.
- Can you identify the key words in this task (highlight them and discuss it with a buddy)
Thinking about signs and signage (Make a list of all the signs you have seen ….. and the purpose of the sign )
Type of sign: | Purpose of the sign: |
A running sign | No running |
Rubbish sign | No LITTERING |
Class sign | |
Eating sign | Finish eating rubbish in the bin |
A sign for no bubble gum in School | No bubble gum in school and classes |
Brainstorm some Ideas/ problems that we have around our school environment.
*Rubbish around our school
*People chewing gum
*shoes not in the right place
*bags all over the place
*people running in the street
*people throwing balls in the street
*make our school better
You need to think and expand on your answers, one sentence is not sufficient.
What is your issue in our school? My Issue is that people is throwing there rubbish around the
school and leaving there bags and shoes around.
Who does it affect? I think it effect people cause some of our students throw rubbish at our school
Why is it happening in our school? Because our student may be they don’t know the Pt England way.
When does it happen? At lunch time and morning tea time.
Where is it happening? Around our school and in the street.
What needs to happen to prevent this issue? Putting up some signs around our school and street
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
My term 2 high lights
The other thing I like about Taoga time was playing sports with my taoga group and playing on Rugger land. The sports we done was Basket ball and some other sports. Miss Va’ afusuaga teaches us how to play basket ball and more things that we don’t know. I learnt lots of things about basket ball
The best taoga time class is Miss Tito and Miss Va’afusuaga because it really fun and you learn things from it.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Graphics at Tamaki Tech
Tamaki Technology
On Mondays we always have tech in the morning block. The Yr 7 and 8 students walk down to Tamaki College and then they walk to their tech class. I'm in Graphics with some of my friends. Ms Ferguson is our teacher.
What we did in Graphics today is we made cards and drew some pictures. The card I did was a Valentines card for fun. For my card I put a love heart in the front of my card. After that our tech teacher said we had to make something like a pop out, but instead I cut out the eyes and got a piece of card board and drew some eyes on it.
I think Graphics class is fun and cool because you get to make some cards and draw some pictures of fruit with funny faces on it.
Friday, July 1, 2011
My cousin from Australia
One hour later she came with my cousin from Australia, that’s why she took for ever. I was so surprised because when my cousin from Ozzie came in I, haven’t seen him since I was 11. When we were eating my cousin brought us some clothes and shoe’s for me and my brother. Down the road from my Nana’s house my brother and my cousin and I went to go see him.
My brother and I went to open the door and he was on his laptop. My cousin was hiding behind the door then he walked in and said hi to him. He was so shocked because he thought that he was dreaming.
Then we told my cousin what had happened to my aunty. He was sad so we went to go and visit her in hospital because her body was still there. After when we finished visiting her we went back to my nan’s and watched TV. My Nana came back and she had good news for us. She said that her sisters and brothers were coming over from Australia and Niue on Friday night to new Zealand for the funeral. It was getting late so I went back home and went to sleep.
Friday, May 27, 2011
In the old days cellphones weren't out when our mums and dads were little like the age of 12 years old. When the cellphones came out 15 years ago they were huge and you have to carry it around with you but now you can put it in your pocket.Now in our days on our cellphones it has Texting, Games, Music ,Internet, Carma, and more other things. There are all kind of phone brands like vodophone, Lg, Nokia, Motorola and more. And there are slide phones, touch phones and more other different phones. I think in our days it is more popular because its useful to call people and do other things on it. I reckon teenagers like to use their cellphones to keep in touch with their family and friends. There are lot of people that like taking their cellphones with them because if they get bored then they can play on it or do other.And you can do other thing
Friday, May 20, 2011
Immersion Rotation's
Ms T’s class had done. Their names were different to everyone else.
When our class have finish doing our creative name I send mine to Mr Tito When I was finish.What I have learned about was making a design for my name and also having fun doing it. I recon the next time our class will do it I would like to improve and also learn more.
When our class room 21 went to Mr Barks class we were learning about practicality. What Mr Barks was telling us about was how big and small things were. He showed us a leaf blower and a hair dryer. The leaf blower was bigger than the hair dryer. Mr Barks had the leaf blower and blew our faces. The leaf blower smelt like gas. He was telling us about a story that was in the past. What I have learned about was things can be small and big to be useful. I think that I have been learning about practicality.
Finally with Mr Harris we did Innovation. We were learning about how things were in the olden days. We had to look up old things to compare to the new thing that they didn't have in the olden days. When I was looking for some old thing that we didn't have like huge phones that spun around to you get the number you want but now we can text on our small phones carry it around put it in our pockets. We can also do more other things with it.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Holiday HIghlight
Me and my Papa were going up the hill to our bach. When we got there it was pitch black inside the house. I stayed in there waiting for him to turn on the generator outside so all the lights would come on. I had lots of time spending time with my Papa.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
What do I like and dislike about my friends?
What do I like/dislike about my friends?
What I like about my friends is that they care about me and they always look out for me when ever I need help with something plus they always keep my secrets when I tell them something about me. My best friends are Pesi, Mui, Mauina, Sharon, Tia, Kezia, Helen, Sela, Destiny,Tamara, Athena and lots more friends.My best best friend is Athena. She always helps me on stuff when I am stuck on work. Plus she always share her stuff with me when I need anything she will give it.
What I dislike about my friends is when they go behind my back and spread things about me. That’s what I don’t like about my friends. But sometimes they don’t do that.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Camp TC

At Camp my teacher told me what group I was in. I was in the Carerz with
some of my friends. On the first day of camp the Carerz were doing the hangi prep for our dinner.It wasn't fun. After the hangi prep we went down to do kayaking with Mr Burt.. It was my first time, it was so fun. After that me and my friends went for a swim. Then we got out and went to get changed for our next activity. But I didn’t changed because our leader was telling us to hurry up, so I just stayed in my wet clothes.
Day 2
The next day we had breakfast and it was Cereal. I was serving the people it was fun. Then I got changed and went to the marquee. We had a lot of fun doing our activities.The Rock Up people came and put up lots of activities for us to have fun and had a blast. The best thing I liked was the rock climbing. The dunker was scary. When we finished the Rock Up people announced the winner for the treasure box. It had lots of lollies and drinks. All of the activities we did was the Dunker, Shuffle board, Alligator alley, Rock climbing and Archery.When we finished all of our activities we went to go and have lunch. When our group was all finish eating we went to go and practice our dance on the field for Tuesday night. I think we are going to shine on the stage.
When we finished we had to show it on the stage in the hall. When all of our groups were ready we went to go and sit in the hall. When Mrs lagitupu called our name up I was so nervous cause I was in the front and every body was looking at us when we have done our dance I ran off the stage.When I was sitting down I was hoping that the Carers were going to win. But we didn't the winning team was Respectablez. They were so happy.
Day 3
In the morning me and friend woke up early. My friend said that she was still tired and I was tired too. When Mrs Nua told us to come to the marquee she told us to get our togs because we were going to Swimarama I was so excited cause it was so hot. When we were waiting for our bus me and my friends were talking about where we were going to sit. Our bus came and me and my friends were waiting for all the people to get on, when my friend hoped on it was really packed so I have to go on the other bus.So I went to the back and sat with my other friends.When I was sitting next to the window.When we got there we have to wait for the other bus to come, when it came we all stared walking to the front of the pools me and my friend got changed and went to go and find a space to sit down. Then we were watching the people swimming. After that we all went for a swim it was FUN and COOL.
Camp T.C was so awesome and the thing I liked about it is I have never camped at school before. I think it was the best camp out of my other schools camps.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
All about Me

Hello my name is Pharrah and I am 12 years old. I am a new student at Pt. England school. The things I like doing at school is playing with my friends and hanging out on the log by the playground.
I am Tongan, Niuean and Maori. Last year I went to Farm Cove Intermediate School. In the holidays I stayed with my nana and helped her around the house. I have got two brothers and one sister.
On the weekends I like to play with my cousin or go for a walk around the school. My cousin and her friends like to come to my house.
This year I am looking forward to going to camp.